(How) Will Generative AI Change Education?

Generative AI has many exciting benefits for the education sector but also poses opportunities for misuse. Here’s how to adapt — emphasizing reasoning, step-by-step thinking, and ethical AI

Skanda Vivek
7 min readJul 31, 2023
AI taking over education | Prompted On Bing

Key Takeaways

  • Educators must think about whether to try to control or adapt to the new technology to minimize cases of misuse.
  • Suggested solutions such as watermarks and classifiers (that identify AI-generated content) are flawed, and there is no obvious solution to this challenge.
  • Course policies that ban products like ChatGPT would be difficult to enforce and also deprive students the opportunity to learn about a powerful technology that will be a significant part of society going forward.
  • Therefore, instructors must adapt by emphasizing student reasoning and step-by-step thinking in coming up with answers or testing student mastery of course concepts. Reasoning is where humans shine and generative AI often fails making it a weakness that educators can exploit to reduce the likelihood of misuse.
  • New updates to OpenAI show promise for crafting a game-changing high level language that will allow for more unstructured queries…

